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BND are standalone archive files, storing uncompressed and named files, with a relative or absolute virtual path. BND probably stands for Binder.

BND archives are structured as follows:

  • Header
  • File entries
  • 0-terminated string contiguous block
  • File data block


struct BndHeader
  /* 0x00 */  char magic[12];          // magic, 'BND3' + stuff, see above
  /* 0x0C */  uint32_t flags;          // infos about BND structure
  /* 0x10 */  uint32_t num_entries;    // number of file entries
  /* 0x14 */  uint32_t data_position;  // position to file data block
  /* 0x18 */  uint32_t unk1;
  /* 0x1C */  uint32_t unk2;

Data position points right after the last string terminator, but entries data position are 16-byte padded.

Flag Meaning
0x01  ?
0x02  ?
0x04 Use 24 bytes data entries
0x08  ?
0x10  ?
0x20  ?
0x40  ?
0x80  ?

File entries

The file entry structure is different if BndHeader.flags & 0x4. If the flag is set, the BND uses BndFileEntry24 structures (24 bytes), else it uses BndFileEntry20 structures (20 bytes). The additional uint32 seems to always be equals to data_size.

Besides, it's quite similar to BhfFileEntry. Offsets are absolute.

struct BndFileEntry24
  /* 0x00 */  uint32_t unk1;         // always 64 ?
  /* 0x04 */  uint32_t data_size;    // file size
  /* 0x08 */  uint32_t data_offset;  // offset to data in file data block
  /* 0x0C */  uint32_t id;           //
  /* 0x10 */  uint32_t name_offset;  // offset to file name in string block
  /* 0x14 */  uint32_t unk2;         // ? same as data_size
struct BndFileEntry20
  /* 0x00 */  uint32_t unk1;         // always 64 ?
  /* 0x04 */  uint32_t data_size;    // file size
  /* 0x08 */  uint32_t data_offset;  // offset to data in file data block
  /* 0x0C */  uint32_t id;           //
  /* 0x10 */  uint32_t name_offset;  // offset to file name in string block

I'm not sure what the uint32_t at 0x0C stands for. It looks like it's always a big unique round integer (e.g. 4000000). As this struct is similar to BhfFileEntry and its 0x0C uint32_t is some kind of ID, I suspect it's the same thing going on here.

String block

Classic 0-terminated string contiguous block. 16-byte padded at its end. File names can be absolute Windows file names (with single backslashes), located on a "N" drive. They can also be relative (to what?) and *may* start with a backslash. I don't understand the logic there.

File data block

16-byte padded file data.